Jing + Rene

Jing and Rene take the cake for the most unusual wedding ceremony location... it was in her parents backyard, which isn't that unusual, but it was on a monogramed platform built over the swimming pool!
The day began with hair and makeup in Jing's parents home in Markham. Rene and his best man arrived for some traditional door games... after a ridiculously low bid to get in the front door and some arm wrestling Rene was finally able to see his bride!
It's always great when people get to experience other cultures and I really enjoyed watching Rene's family experience their first tea ceremony.
After lots of family pictures we headed of to the Premiere Banquet Hall for an amazing 13 course Chinese dinner filled with great speeches and games.
You can see some of my favourite wedding pictures above and the full wedding slideshow below!
If you have the password you can see the full gallery of wedding pictures here.